A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles

The Course in Miracles is a wonderfully profound set of teaching based on the theme of Forgiveness. Its main aims are to set us free from fear; free from fear of the future, free from fear of other people and above all free from fear of God.

It is mainly a set of 365 lessons (one per day for the year) plus the text which helps create an understanding of the lessons. I did not get round to reading the text for the first couple of years of working with the course. I just keep working through the lessons and repeating them. When I eventually read the text I laughed with delight at how it turns things around and sets things to rights.

Some may not be very keen on the Shakespearean style of the wording, but once you get used to it I find this adds to the power of the words. It can help to take us into another way of thinking and feeling. The unusual wording helps awaken thinking outside of our normal patterns.

I first came across Course in Miracles in the late seventies and have studied it again and again at different phases of my life. It has been invaluable. I bought this particular version as I wanted the whole thing in a compact size for traveling. I wanted a physical book so that I could flip back and forth between sections easily so this works for me splendidly.

A Course in Miracles has a Christian flavour and some might be put off by that. But I have met a number of non-Christians who have adapted to it without problems and have gained immensely – it has a universal appeal.

Amazon US Review of Course in Miracles
Amazon UK Review of Course in Miracles

Although I have written a book about Forgiveness I avoided quoting a Course in Miracles (or the Bible, or indeed any authoritative sources) as my work is meant to be religion-neutral so that anyone can use it and adapt the exercises to their needs (religious or not).
My own book Forgiveness is Power: Amazon USA | Amazon UK | International Orders